The most important thing you can do today is enable Multifactor authentication for your accounts.
If you don’t know what that is ask a friend you trust or read here


After that I suggest you try to remove some personal data of the different services out there



Do you want to get results for the relationships that care?
Check if my podcast  Results and Relationships is something for you.
Since 2014 I have shared some food for thoughts in a weekly episode helping you do the work that matter for people who care creating healthy relationships with both yourself and others in the process.

Or perhaps this free ebook is of help? Attract Better Clients?


Other podcasts I recommend are:

·         Akimbo by Seth Godin

·         Manager Tools by Mike & Mark

·         Bli Säker-podden by Nikka Systems

·         Darknet Diaries by Jack Rhysider

·         Deep Questions by Cal Newport


Or try these that I listen to often or patreon

·         Smashing Security

·         IT-säkerhetspodden

·         The Nerd Herd

·         Säkert

·         Säkerhetspodcasten

·         The Internet of Things Podcast - Stacey On IoT

Risky Business & Risky Business News















Podcasts I listen to when I have extra time

·         Sveriges Säkerhetschefer


·         Säkerhetssalen Bakom kulisserna på Sveriges mest uppmärksammade rättegångar

